Want to be Millionaires with us?
Guest post by Allegra Moet Brantly, Founder of Factora & the ATX Chapter of LGP
The first thing you should know about me is: I am not unique. My story is like many of yours:
A lotta hard work.
No formal financial education.
Very little guidance.
And not much $$ to show for ALL that hustle.
I started out in New York on a $40K salary, living paycheck-to-paycheck. 6 years later, I had almost tripled that—but was still living paycheck-to-paycheck.
I had no extra cash in the bank—just a nicer apartment with more thing-a-ma-bobs. Suddenly, I realized how much money I’d blindly wasted while working my ass off to…make more money.
It was time for a financial revolution. I began consuming everything I could get my hands on about personal finance and investing. Which led me to changing…pretty much nothing.
I felt totally overwhelmed with all the information, isolated because I had no real-life money mentors, and trapped in an earn/spend cycle I couldn’t seem to break.
But change was in the air. I knew there had to be more to the “American dream” than:
Climbing a corporate ladder (to further someone else’s dream)
Having visceral Sunday Scaries
And killing myself for 6 figures
I packed my bags for Austin, Texas in November 2017. Upon touchdown, I found myself launching the ATX chapter of Ladies Get Paid which ultimately led me to a major lightbulb moment:
We should all EARN more money (duh), but what if that wasn’t the only way to HAVE more money?
What if we could learn how to make our money work as hard for us as we worked TO GET IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?!
Once I realized I could make my money work for me, I turned my financial life into something to get excited about. I:
Got clear on my financial goals
Left a job that didn’t bring me joy
Funded my first brokerage account
Built a real estate portfolio in an extremely competitive market
Increased my net-worth by 200K
And started a company to help women do the same…all in less than 2 years
And so can you. Even better: you don’t have to do it alone!
Factora is my financial journey simplified (and better-fied), so you can cut straight to making big money moves. And do it surrounded by a community of empowered women who are overhauling their finances too.
We help women feel financially free to do what they really want in life—like start that company, quit that job, leave that relationship—because they know how to make their money work for them.
Our mission is simple: Lead 1 million women to $1 million in net-worth.
To do this, we use a 5-step method we like to call “MAMBA #5” that I’ll be sharing at the Get Money-Get Paid Conference in November.
Until then, here’s a little sneak peak:
Mindset shift, so you can lose the money thoughts that aren’t serving you
Automate your saving & align your spending to match your values
Multiply your money by utilizing the power of compound interest
Build out goals to buy assets (not liabilities masked as assets!)
Accountability: put a support structure in place to keep you motivated
And if you want to learn more about Factora, pop over, say hi, take our $ quiz, and check out the badass Millionaire Girls Club we’re recruiting for!
Join Allegra and Ladies Get Paid on November 2nd in Brooklyn at our annual conference, Get Money Get Paid and buy your ticket before they run out.